Get $75 for Every Customer You Refer!

Recommend the strongest prescription hair growth medicine, formulated by dermatologists, delivered to your customer’s door. Made with FDA-approved ingredients.

Become a Happy Head Ambassador

Step 1: Sign up to be a Happy Head Ambassador.

Step 2: Recommend Happy Head to your community.

Step 3: Receive an instant cash reward of $75 when someone purchases their first Rx subscription.

Get Started
What Your
Community Gets
  • Consultation with a board-certified dermatologist
  • Custom-formulated topical and oral solutions
  • No doctor's office or pharmacy visits
  • Hair growth results in 3 to 6 months
  • FREE discreet shipping
Get Started
The Perks
  • Generous commissions: Receive $75 for every subscription you generate.
  • 60% off your first 3 months if you suffer from hair loss and want to experience the results yourself. *if you get accepted into the program
  • Marketing support: Variety of digital creative assets to help you start the conversation around hair loss with your community.

Join us as a Happy Head Ambassador today and help your community regrow their hair with a prescription-strength solution. Earn generous commissions, enjoy referral credits and receive dedicated support. Start making a difference while earning additional income now.

Hair Growth Experts

100% of our doctors are board-certified dermatologists specializing in hair growth.

Customized & More Potent

Our proven proprietary formulas are stronger & customized to your needs. 

FREE Shipments & Support

Ongoing concierge support from our doctors & customizations as needed.

Real Customers. Real Results.

5 Months

“I thought I was stuck wearing hats the rest of my life to cover my baldness, but with Happy Head, I let my hair breathe and it feels like I have my youth back. Thank you so much for changing my life and giving me my hair back!”


9 Months

"With all the verbiage in today's marketing, it's sometimes difficult to vet genuine products, but Happy Head is the real deal."

LYNN. 59

10 Weeks

“I was expecting to have to wait 6 months for any noticeable results, but I have visible results in only 7 weeks. I am very surprised by my quick results. Customer for life!”

MARK, 50

5 Months

“I thought I was stuck wearing hats the rest of my life to cover my baldness, but with Happy Head, I let my hair breathe and it feels like I have my youth back. Thank you so much for changing my life and giving me my hair back!”


9 Months

"With all the verbiage in today's marketing, it's sometimes difficult to vet genuine products, but Happy Head is the real deal."

LYNN, 59

10 Weeks

“I was expecting to have to wait 6 months for any noticeable results, but I have visible results in only 7 weeks. I am very surprised by my quick results. Customer for life!”

MARK, 50