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Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: February 26, 2024

By using this Website, you acknowledge that you have read, accepted, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”, “Terms and Conditions”, or “Agreement”). These Terms and Conditions unconditionally extend and apply to all related applications, Internet service, Website extensions, as well as certain products and/or services offered through virtual medical consultation and evaluation services via Internet and/or telemedicine (“Service”, or “Platform”) sold and/or offered by Happy Head, Inc. (“Happy Head”, or “Company”). If you are not in agreement with all of these Terms and Conditions, you are prohibited from using this Website and/or Service, and you may discontinue use immediately.

Agreement to Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions contained in this page shall govern your use of the Website and all of its content (collectively referred to herein as “Website”). These Terms outline the rules and regulations guiding the use of the Website located at https://www.happyhead.com/. All materials, information, documents, and/or services or all other entities (collectively referred to as “Content”) that appear on this Website shall be administered subject to these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply in full force and effect to your use of this Website, and this Website constitutes an express agreement with all the Terms and Conditions contained herein in full. Supplemental terms and conditions or documents that may be posted time to time are hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference. The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make changes or modifications to these Terms and Conditions at any time and for any reason. Do not continue to use this Website and/or Service if you have any objection to any of the Terms and Conditions stated on this page.

Your Relationship with Happy Head

Happy Head makes available to individuals who register as users of the Service (“Users”) certain products and/or services sold and/or offered by Happy Head, or by third-party medical providers, pharmacies, or other vendors of the Company’s Service. The Company’s Service provides access to prescription fulfillment services offered by the following pharmacies: EHT Pharmacy LLC dba Curexa, Madame Rx LLC dba Chemistry Rx (the “Pharmacies”). The Company may also provide you with access to one or more of the following medical groups who provide healthcare and/or other health services through the Platform (the “Medical Groups”): Kulanite Specialized Services Inc., M&D Integrations Inc. These Medical Groups employ or contract with medical doctors, physicians, and other health professionals who offer certain healthcare and/or other health services through the Platform (“Providers”, or “Health Counselors”). By accepting this Agreement, you acknowledge and agree that any services you receive from the Pharmacies, Medical Groups, and/or Providers through the Platform are also subject to this Agreement, and that the Pharmacies, Medical Groups and Providers are third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement.

The Company does not control or interfere with the method and manner of facilitation and/or practice of medicine or other health care by the Medical Groups or any Providers, each of whom is solely responsible for directing the medical care, health care, and/or treatment they provide to you. By accepting this Agreement, you acknowledge and agree that Happy Head is not a healthcare provider and that by using the Service, you are not entering into a doctor-patient or other health care provider-patient relationship with Happy Head. By using the Service, you may, however, be entering into a doctor-patient or other health care provider-patient relationship with the Medical Group and/or one or more Providers. Further, the Company does not control or interfere with any professional service provided by the Pharmacies, each of which is solely responsible for their provision of professional services rendered via the Service.

By accepting this Agreement, you acknowledge and agree that the Medical Groups and/or Providers may send you messages, reports, and emails via the Service regarding your diagnosis and/or treatment. You understand and agree that Happy Head is not responsible for the security or privacy of communications services you use to receive the aforementioned messages, reports, and emails sent via the Service. You further understand and agree that it is your sole responsibility to monitor and respond to these messages, reports, and emails and that neither Happy Head nor the Medical Group nor any Provider will be responsible in any way and you will not hold Happy Head, the Medical Group or any Provider liable for any loss, injury, or claims of any kind resulting from your failure to read or respond to these messages or for your failure to comply with any treatment recommendations or instructions from the Medical Group(s) or your Provider(s).

While you are not establishing a doctor-patient or other health care provider-patient relationship with Happy Head, by using the Service, you are establishing a direct customer relationship with Happy Head to use the Service, including the purchase of any prescription and/or non-prescription products and/or non-medical services sold directly to you by Happy Head via the Service. In connection with such a relationship, you may provide to the Company, or cause to be provided to the Company on your behalf, personal information, including health information, that is subject to use by the Company in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Please refer to the “Privacy Policy” section on the Company’s Website.

Arbitration Notice, Waiver of Jury Trial and Class Action & Dispute Resolution

Where permitted under the applicable law, you and Happy Head agree that by using this Website and entering into this Agreement that any disputes between you, Happy Head, Pharmacies, Medical Groups, and/or Providers arising out of or related to these Terms and Conditions or the Service will be resolved by binding, individual arbitration and you waive your rights to a jury trial and to participate in a class action lawsuit or class-wide arbitration. You agree that you may bring claims only in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative action. Unless both you and Happy Head agree, no arbitrator or judge may consolidate more than one person’s claims or otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding.

You and Happy Head acknowledge that before initiating any claim, you agree to first contact Happy Head with a written description of the dispute, which shall include all relevant documents and information. You may send the written description of any dispute you have with Happy Head by contacting our support team at www.happyhead.com/help/. Happy Head will contact you by letter at the billing address or email address you provided to the Company. You agree to negotiate with Happy Head or its designated representative in good faith about your problem or dispute. If for some reason the dispute is not resolved within sixty (60) days after receipt of the written dispute, Happy Head agrees to the dispute resolution provisions below.

If for some reason the dispute is not resolved within sixty (60) days after receipt of the written dispute, either party may commence arbitration. Arbitration is more informal than a lawsuit in court. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury, and court review of an arbitration award is very limited. However, an arbitrator can award the same damages and relief on an individual basis that a court can award to an individual.

Payment of arbitration costs will be governed by the AAA’s fee schedule. Each party agrees to pay its own attorneys’ fees and expenses unless there is a governing statutory provision that requires the prevailing party to be paid attorneys’ fees and expenses.

The arbitration shall be conducted in Los Angeles, California. The arbitrator’s award shall be final and binding on all parties and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. These Terms and Conditions evidence a transaction involving interstate commerce; and notwithstanding any other provision herein with respect to the applicable substantive law, the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., will govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Arbitration Agreement and any arbitration proceedings. For more information on AAA, its Rules and Procedures, and how to file an arbitration claim, you may call AAA at 800-778-7879 or visit the AAA website at https://www.adr.org.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, to the extent the Dispute arises from: (a) a violation of either party’s intellectual property rights in any manner; and/or (b) any claim related to, or arising from, allegations of theft, piracy, unauthorized use or a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act; then you and the applicable Happy Head Party agree that a party may seek injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in a state or federal court in Los Angeles, California, and both parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts in connection with such proceedings. In addition to the foregoing, either you or we may assert an individual action in small claims court for Disputes that are within the scope of such court’s jurisdiction in lieu of arbitration as long as such action remains in such court and advances only on an individual (non-class, non-representative) basis.

YOU AND WE HEREBY WAIVE ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY RIGHTS TO SUE IN COURT AND HAVE A TRIAL IN FRONT OF A JUDGE OR A JURY. You and we are instead electing that all Disputes shall be resolved by arbitration under this Arbitration Agreement, except as specified otherwise herein. There is no judge or jury in arbitration, and court review of an arbitration award is subject to very limited review.

YOU AND WE AGREE THAT, EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED HEREIN, ALL DISPUTES SUBJECT TO ARBITRATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE ARBITRATED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT ON A CLASS, COLLECTIVE OR REPRESENTATIVE BASIS. NO PARTY MAY BRING ANY CLAIM SUBJECT TO ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT AS A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, IN A REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY, OR AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS PROCEEDING. THE CLAIMS OF MORE THAN ONE CUSTOMER OR USER CANNOT BE JOINED OR CONSOLIDATED WITH THOSE OF ANY OTHER CUSTOMER OR USER. NO ARBITRATION SHALL BE CONSOLIDATED OR JOINED WITH ANY OTHER ARBITRATION EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. THE ARBITRATOR MAY AWARD RELIEF (INCLUDING MONETARY, INJUNCTIVE, AND DECLARATORY RELIEF) ONLY IN FAVOR OF THE INDIVIDUAL PARTY SEEKING RELIEF AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY TO PROVIDE RELIEF NECESSITATED BY THAT PARTY’S INDIVIDUAL CLAIM(S). If a court decides by means of a final decision, not subject to any further appeal or recourse, that applicable law precludes enforcement of any of this paragraph’s limitations as to a particular claim or request for relief, then such claim or request for relief (and only that claim or request for relief) shall be severed from the arbitration and may be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located in Los Angeles, California, subject to the parties’ respective rights to appeal the decision. All other claims or requests for relief shall be arbitrated. The parties agree that any claims or requests for relief that are severed from an arbitration may not proceed in litigation and shall be stayed until all claims between the parties remaining in arbitration are finally resolved. The parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in Los Angeles, California for purposes of resolving any claims or requests for relief severed from arbitration pursuant to this paragraph. This subsection does not prevent you or us from participating in a class-wide settlement of claims.

To increase the efficiency of administration and resolution of arbitrations, you and we agree that in the event that there are one hundred (100) or more individual arbitrations of a substantially similar nature filed against us by or with the assistance of the same law firm, group of law firms, or organizations, within a thirty (30) day period (or as soon as possible thereafter), the AAA shall (1) administer the arbitration demands in batches of 100 arbitrations per batch (plus, to the extent there are less than 100 arbitrations left over after the batching described above, a final batch consisting of the remaining arbitrations); (2) appoint one arbitrator for each batch; and (3) provide for the resolution of each batch as a single consolidated arbitration with one set of filing and administrative fees due per side per batch, one procedural calendar, one hearing (if any) in a place to be determined by the arbitrator, and one final award (“Batch Arbitration”).

All parties agree that arbitrations are of a “substantially similar nature” if they arise out of or relate to the same event, act, omission, practice or factual scenario and raise the same or similar legal issues and seek the same or similar relief. To the extent the parties disagree on the application of the Batch Arbitration process, the disagreeing party shall advise the AAA, and the AAA shall appoint a sole standing arbitrator to determine the applicability of the Batch Arbitration process (“Administrative Arbitrator”). In an effort to expedite resolution of any such dispute by the Administrative Arbitrator, the parties agree the Administrative Arbitrator may set forth such procedures as are necessary to resolve any disputes promptly. The Administrative Arbitrator’s fees shall be paid by us.

You and we agree to cooperate in good faith with the AAA to implement the Batch Arbitration process including the payment of single filing and administrative fees for batches of arbitrations, as well as any steps to minimize the time and costs of arbitration, which may include: (1) the appointment of a discovery special master to assist the arbitrator in the resolution of discovery disputes; and (2) the adoption of an expedited calendar of the arbitration proceedings. This Batch Arbitration provision shall in no way be interpreted as authorizing a class, collective and/or mass arbitration or action of any kind, or arbitration involving joint or consolidated claims under any circumstances, except as expressly set forth in this provision.

You can opt out of the provisions of this Arbitration agreement that require the arbitration of Disputes within 30 days of the date that you first agree to any version of this Agreement that requires arbitration of disputes with Happy Head or any of the Happy Head Parties, Medical Groups, Labs, or Pharmacies. To opt out, you must send your name, residence address, and email address together with a clear statement that you want to opt out of the requirement to arbitrate disputes with the applicable party to: Happy Head, Inc., 11669 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90025, ATTN: Arbitration Opt-Out. Opting out of this Arbitration Agreement has no effect on any other arbitration agreements that you may currently have, or may enter in the future, with us or any other Happy Head Parties.

Before you commence arbitration of a Dispute, you must provide us with a written Notice of Dispute that includes your name, residence address, username (if applicable) and email address associated with your User account (if applicable), a detailed description of the Dispute, and the relief you seek. Before we commence arbitration of a Dispute against you, we will provide a written Notice of Dispute to you with a detailed description of the Dispute and the relief we seek. Any Notice of Dispute you send to us should be mailed to Happy Head, Inc., 11669 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90025, ATTN: Dispute Notice. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if we make any future material modification to any provisions of this Agreement that govern the arbitration or resolution of Disputes, such changes will not apply to any Dispute between you and us for which either party had previously provided a written Notice of Dispute to the other in accordance with this paragraph. Further, if we make any future material changes to the provisions of this Agreement that govern the arbitration or resolution of Disputes, you may reject such changes by sending a written notice of your rejection decision to us at Happy Head, Inc., 11669 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90025, ATTN: Arbitration Opt-Out within 30 days of the effective date of such modifications. Changes to this Arbitration Agreement do not provide you with a new opportunity to opt out of the Arbitration Agreement if you have previously agreed to a version of these Terms and Conditions and did not validly opt out of arbitration. If you reject any change or update to this Arbitration Agreement, and you were bound by an existing agreement to arbitrate Disputes, the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement as of the date you first accepted the Terms and Conditions (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Terms) remain in full force and effect. We will continue to honor any valid opt outs of the Arbitration Agreement that you made to a prior version of these Terms and Conditions.

Except as provided above, if any part or parts of this Arbitration Agreement are found under the law to be invalid or unenforceable, then such specific part or parts shall be of no force and effect and shall be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.


Happy Head currently does not ship internationally. Happy Head reserves the right to reject orders where the delivery address is outside of the USA. We currently ship across the USA. Your first order will not be processed or shipped until you’ve uploaded your driver’s license and photographs of your head and hairline. Monthly subscriptions are shipped to you every twenty-five (25) days to ensure that you receive another month’s supply of product on time and before you run out. If you find you have too much product, you may pause your subscription at any time. Happy Head finds that having extra product comes in handy for travel and to have sufficient product for your routine. Your next order will not be processed as long as your subscription is paused at least three (3) days prior to your next billing date.

Unless otherwise stated on the Website and/or Service at the time of purchase, Happy Head reserves the right to add applicable shipping and handling fees to your order. Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number. Although Happy Head may provide delivery or shipment timeframes or dates, such dates are good-faith estimates and are subject to change. Happy Head is not liable for any loss, damage, cost, or expense related to any delay in shipment or delivery caused by any third-party carrier or other delivery service not owned or controlled by Happy Head. Once Happy Head has released your order to a third-party carrier or delivery service, you are responsible for any issues with delivery. Happy Head is not liable for delivery addresses entered incorrectly by the customer or third party on behalf of the customer. Please make sure to double check that you have inserted your delivery address correctly at checkout. If you need to make changes to your delivery address, you must do so at least three (3) days before your next billing date.

Refund and Return Policy

If you are dissatisfied with your Happy Head product or service for any reason, please contact us at www.happyhead.com/help/. Depending on the circumstances, we may replace any products ordered or provide you a full or partial refund of the purchase price at our sole discretion. Before we provide you a refund, replacement, or Credit, we may require that you return the product at your own expense and/or submit photographic documentation demonstrating the reasoning behind your dissatisfaction. All refunds will be made to the payment method used to purchase the order you are returning.

You are responsible for inspecting all Products for any damage or other issues upon delivery. You must contact Happy Head at www.happyhead.com/help/ within 7 days of receipt of the product to enable us to research and replace any damaged product.

Returns must be made within 30 days of the date your order was delivered. Refunds are limited to the amount paid for that month’s product. You are responsible for shipping unused portions of the product in its original packaging back to Happy Head, and further are responsible for the shipping and handling costs of the return.

Money-back Guarantee: We offer customized hair loss treatments with the hope that we can help anybody grow their hair back. However, we understand that our products may not be the best fit for everybody. If you are not satisfied with the prescription Product within 6 months of starting treatment, contact Happy Head at www.happyhead.com/help/ with the subject line “Guarantee Return Request” and follow the return shipping instructions we provide back to you via email. Be sure to include the order number in the email, along with any pertinent details of your return request. All returned Products must be in their original packaging. In order to receive a refund, the order numbers on the packaging and the Product label must match. After we receive the returned Product, we will issue you a refund for the price you paid for such Product (less any applicable shipping and handling charges as well as other fees). Please note that the guarantee applies only to your most recent month’s supply, not the entirety of your subscription and/or bundle. Happy Head’s Money-back Guarantee policy only applies to prescription products; non-prescription items are not included.

6 Month Money-Back Guarantee

The 6 Month Money-Back Guarantee is limited to a refund on your most recent month’s supply. This means that you have 6 months to return your most recent month’s supply for a refund if you’re unsatisfied for any reason. Please note that the guarantee applies only to your most recent month’s supply, not the entirety of your subscription and/or bundle. This guarantee does not apply to non-prescription products.


Results may vary per patient and are not guaranteed. The information on this Website and articles does not constitute medical advice and should only be used for informational purposes only. The information on this Website and articles is not a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on to make medical decisions. Please make sure to discuss the risks and benefits of any treatment with your primary physician before beginning treatment.

Drug Side Effects Full Disclosure and Notice

The drugs, medications, and compounded formulas Happy Head provides as hair loss treatment have side effects that all patients should be aware of prior to starting treatment. Per clinical studies, topical Finasteride has a lower risk of side effects but side effects may still occur. Any form of compounded prescriptions, such as topical Finasteride, Spironolactone, Dutasteride, Minoxidil, Retinoic Acid, Hydrocortisone etc., are not FDA approved. Oral Finasteride is FDA approved as an oral medication to treat androgenetic alopecia. It functions to block the conversion of testosterone to DHT at the hair follicle, which is thought to be the major contributor to androgenetic alopecia. Finasteride has not been FDA approved for topical use, but is commonly used in topical preparations for hair loss. Dutasteride has the same mechanism as Finasteride, but has a stronger ability to block DHT conversion. Dutasteride is FDA approved for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and is commonly used off-label orally and topically to treat androgenetic alopecia. Minoxidil is FDA approved as a topical preparation for hair loss (also called RogaineTM). Minoxidil is also FDA approved as an oral medication to lower blood pressure, but is commonly prescribed off-label to treat hair loss. When taken orally or applied topically, it functions to directly stimulate hair growth at the follicle. The side effects include, but are not limited to, the lists provided in the materials and emails supplied with your order. If you do not see them included, please contact Happy Head immediately so that the Company can re-send them to you. By using Happy Head, Users agree that in no event shall Happy Head, its officers, directors, employees, health counselors, independent contractors or staff physicians or agents, be liable to you for any direct psychological, emotional, indirect, incidental, financial, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever (including death) resulting from the purchase and use of products sold on this Website and/or Service.

Health Counselors

Users understand and agree that Happy Head is not responsible for any information provided by any Health Counselors. Happy Head does not provide any medical services. Among other activities, Happy Head provides a technology platform to enable coordination and communication with a health care provider. You understand that by coordinating and/or consulting with a healthcare provider through the Happy Head platform, you are not entering into a provider-patient relationship with Happy Head nor its Health Counselors as defined under US federal and state laws.

Whenever Happy Head uses the words “your physician,” “your medical practitioner,” “your doctor,” “healthcare provider,” or similar words, including in this Agreement, the Company is referring to your primary care physician with whom you have of a mutually acknowledged, doctor-patient relationship within the state that you reside. Health Counselors on the Happy Head platform are not “your” doctor, physician, medical practitioner, healthcare provider or dermatologist. Consultations with the Company’s doctors do not replace your relationship with any physician.

Accounts, Passwords, and Security

Certain features or services offered on or through the Website may require you to open an account (including setting up an email and/or username and password). You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information you hold for your account, including your password, and for any and all activity that occurs under your account as a result of your failing to keep this information secure and confidential. You agree to notify Happy Head immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or password, or any other breach of security. You may be held liable for losses incurred by Happy Head or any other user of or visitor to the Website due to someone else using your account as a result of your failing to keep your account information secure and confidential.

You may not use anyone else’s account at any time without the express permission and consent of the holder of that account. Happy Head cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these obligations.

Happy Head takes your privacy and the security of your health and other sensitive information very seriously. By using the Website, you acknowledge and agree that the transmission of information over the Internet and mobile networks is never completely private or secure. You understand that any message or information you send to Happy Head and/or the Website may be read and intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission is encrypted. Text messages and emails that you send to or receive from Happy Head are not encrypted, which means that it is possible they may be intercepted by third parties. If you choose to send or receive information about your health or any other sensitive information by text message or email, you do so at your own risk. By initiating an SMS Enrollment, you consent to sending and/or receiving text messages between you and Happy Head that are not encrypted. Likewise, by emailing Happy Head or giving Happy Head your email, you consent to receiving unencrypted emails messages from Happy Head.

Cancellations, Payments, and Recurring Payments

Your payment must be accepted before you may use the Service and any of its related products or services. Happy Head may require additional information regarding your request/order if any required information was missing or inaccurate. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in your order being canceled or limited any time after it has been placed. Fees are paid in advance in full and charged automatically by Happy Head to your provided payment method. Failed or late payments may cause immediate suspension from the Service and all of its related products and/or services. By submitting your card or payment related information, you grant to Happy Head the right to provide such information to third-party processors in order to complete the transaction initiated or authorized by you or on your behalf.

By providing an accepted payment method, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to use the designated payment method and that you authorize Happy Head (or the Company’s third-party payment processor) to charge your payment method for the total amount of your subscription or purchase total (including any applicable taxes and other charges) (collectively, as applicable, an “Order”). If you wish to change or update your payment method, you can do so at any time by logging into your account. If a payment is not successfully settled and you do not update your payment method or cancel your subscription, you remain responsible for any uncollected amounts and, with respect to your subscription, authorize Happy Head to continue billing the payment method, as it may be updated.

You acknowledge that the amount billed may vary due to promotional offers, preferences you select, changes you make to your subscription, or changes in applicable taxes or other charges, and you authorize Happy Head (or the Company’s third party-payment processor) to charge your payment method for the corresponding amount.

All prices on this Website and/or Service are shown in U.S. dollars and do not reflect any applicable taxes and other charges. You will be provided advanced notice regarding any changes to the amounts or other charges associated with Happy Head’s various subscription plans. Happy Head reserves the right to adjust prices at the Company’s sole discretion, at any time and without notice or limitation, based on geographic or other criteria as the Company may establish from time to time.

When visiting the Website, you have the option of purchasing a subscription (e.g., monthly subscription), and may have the option of purchasing other product(s) or service(s) on a one-time basis, through the Company’s Auto-Replenish plan, wherein the payment method you provided at the time you entered into your subscription with Happy Head is automatically charged on subsequent dates chosen by you to renew your subscription, or replenish your product(s)/service(s) until you cancel. Please see below for recurring or Auto-Replenish orders that have already been processed or shipped.

After signup, your My Account and My Subscription page will show your last order date and future payment dates. You can change address, renew, or change payment method from this page by logging in. ANY ORDER(S) IDENTIFIED AS “PROCESSING” OR “SHIPPED” ON YOUR UPCOMING PAGE, HOWEVER, CANNOT BE CANCELED. In order to cancel your upcoming order before it is processed or shipped, you must contact Happy Head at least three (3) days before the next billing date. You also have the option to postpone your next billing date by logging in and adjusting the date under the My Subscription tab of the Your Account page any time before the order is placed. You will be responsible for all the charges related to any order identified as “PROCESSING” or “COMPLETED” prior to the cancellation of your subscription.

If you are enrolled in the Auto-Replenish plan at the time of your initial subscription and have provided a valid payment method, each payment will be automatically processed at the time of each subscription renewal or installment and be billed to the payment method provided at the time of your enrollment into the Auto-Replenish plan.

IF YOU WISH TO CANCEL YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THE AUTO-REPLENISH PLAN, YOU MUST CANCEL YOUR MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION AT LEAST THREE (3) DAYS PRIOR TO THE NEXT DATE OF BILLING (“BILL DATE”) TO ENSURE PROCESSING. You may do so by emailing help@happyhead.com or by giving us a call at (844) 962-4247 anytime Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm PST.

6 Month Money-Back Guarantee

The 6 Month Money-Back Guarantee is limited to your most recent order. We offer a 6 month guarantee, with a refund on your latest order/treatment. This means that you have 6 months to return your most recent order for a refund if you’re unsatisfied for any reason. This guarantee does not apply to non-prescription products.

Other Terms

Happy Head reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue access to the Website (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time. Happy Head shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of access to the Website.

Certain products or services may be available exclusively online through the Website. These products or services may have limited quantities and are subject to return or exchange only according to the Company’s Refund and Return Policy.

Happy Head does not accept orders from dealers, wholesalers, or customers who are resellers. Note that resale of Happy Head’s products is a violation of terms and your services will be canceled without refund should the Company detect such behavior.

Social media platforms are places of public information exchange, and you should have no expectation of privacy when using them. Specifically, neither these Terms nor the Company’s Privacy Statement apply to Happy Head’s External Social Media Presence. The Website(s) and platforms that host Happy Head’s Social Media Presence are not controlled by the Company and therefore have their own privacy policies and terms of use. The comments and opinions expressed by users on social media are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of Happy Head. Comments that some would consider inappropriate or offensive may appear on Happy Head’s Social Media Presence and may remain there until they have been identified by the Company or called to the Company’s attention and the Company is able to work through the necessary procedures and technical processes to have them removed. If you see an offensive or inappropriate post or comment on Happy Head’s Social Media Presence, you should report it to the operator of the applicable site or platform using the procedures they have established for that purpose.

Happy Head will notify you if any item is not available with the expected availability date and may offer you an alternative product. If the availability of the Platform or any product or service is delayed and you do not wish to substitute the product/service, Happy Head will cancel your order upon your request, and if previously charged, your credit card will be fully refunded for that specific order.

It is against Happy Head’s terms of service to cancel and reactivate subscriptions on a monthly basis in order to qualify for the first time or returning patient discount. Please note that we offer discounts on bulk orders. Contact Happy Head at www.happyhead.com/help/ for more information.

Refer-a-Friend Program

As a Refer-a-Friend member (a “Referrer”), you are subject to Happy Head’s Terms of Use and Happy Head’s Privacy Policy (both available on our website), as well as the following additional Terms & Conditions for Happy Head’s Refer-a-Friend program:

  • Qualified Referral. A Qualified Referral is defined as a purchase made at www.happyhead.com by a person (a “Referred Customer”) who arrives at our website by clicking your Refer-a-Friend program link. You are limited to one Qualified Referral for each Referred Customer; in other words, additional/repeat purchases made by a Referred Customer are not counted as additional Qualified Referrals.
  • Referred Customer. The Referred Customer and the Referrer cannot be the same person (for example, by using a different email address).Referral Rewards. For you to earn referral rewards as a Referrer, the Referred Customer must complete a purchase. A purchase is only complete once the Referred Customer has submitted photos of their hair loss and their driver’s license.
  • Reward Payments. Rewards are payable in increments of $50. The maximum Qualified Referrals earned per calendar year may be no more than 10 Qualified Referrals. As a Referrer, you are responsible for any and all tax liability resulting from Referral Rewards.
  • Eligibility. Eligibility is limited to individuals only. Happy Head’s Refer-a-Friend Program cannot be used by businesses for affiliate lead generation as determined in Happy Head’s sole discretion.
  • No Spam. You must comply with all up-to-date “SPAM” laws. For example, emails must be created and distributed in a personal manner and bulk email distribution is strongly discouraged. Any distribution of your referral link that could constitute unsolicited commercial email or “spam” under any applicable law or regulation is expressly prohibited and will be grounds for immediate termination of your account and exclusion from Happy Head’s Refer-a-Friend program.
  • Right to Close Accounts. Happy Head reserves the right to close the account(s) of any Referrer and/or Referred Customer and to request proper payment if the Referrer and/or Referred Customer attempts to use the Happy Head Refer-a-Friend program in a questionable manner or breaches any of these Terms & Conditions or is in violation of any law, statute or governmental regulation.
  • Right to Cancel Program or Change Terms. Happy Head reserves the right to cancel the Refer-a-Friend Program or to change these Terms & Conditions at any time in its sole discretion. Any unclaimed referral rewards will be forfeited at that time.

Acceptable Use

Happy Head, Inc. customers found engaging in activities prohibited by this section can be liable for service suspension and account termination. In extreme cases, we may be legally obliged to report such customers to the relevant authorities.

Fair Use

We provide our facilities with the assumption your use will be “business as usual”, as per our offer schedule. If your use is considered to be excessive, then additional fees may be charged, or capacity may be restricted. We are opposed to all forms of abuse, discrimination, rights infringement, and/or any action that harms or disadvantages any group, individual, or resource. We expect our customers and, where applicable, their users (“end-users”) to likewise engage our Products with similar intent.

Customer Accountability

We regard our customers as being responsible for their own actions as well as for the actions of anyone using our Products with the customer’s permission. This responsibility also applies to anyone using our Products on an unauthorized basis as a result of the customer’s failure to put in place reasonable security measures. By accepting Products from us, our customers agree to ensure adherence to this policy on behalf of anyone using the Products as their end users. Complaints regarding the actions of customers or their end-users will be forwarded to the nominated contact for the account in question.

If a customer — or their end-user or anyone using our Products as a result of the customer — violates our acceptable use policy, we reserve the right to terminate any Products associated with the offending account or the account itself or take any remedial or preventative action we deem appropriate, without notice. To the extent permitted by law, no credit will be available for interruptions of service resulting from any violation of our acceptable use policy.

Prohibited Activity

Copyright Infringement and Access to Unauthorized Material

Our Products must not be used to transmit, distribute or store any material in violation of any applicable law. This includes but isn’t limited to:Any material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization, and any material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat or violates export control laws.The customer is solely responsible for all material they input, upload, disseminate, transmit, create or publish through or on our Products, and for obtaining legal permission to use any works included in such material.

SPAM and Unauthorized Message Activity

Our Products must not be used for the purpose of sending unsolicited bulk or commercial messages in violation of the laws and regulations applicable to your jurisdiction (“spam”). This includes but isn’t limited to sending spam, soliciting customers from spam sent from other service providers, and collecting replies to spam sent from other service providers.Our Products must not be used for the purpose of running unconfirmed mailing lists or telephone number lists (“messaging lists”). This includes but isn’t limited to subscribing email addresses or telephone numbers to any messaging list without the permission of the email address or telephone number owner, and storing any email addresses or telephone numbers subscribed in this way. All messaging lists run on or hosted by our Products must be “confirmed opt-in”. Verification of the address or telephone number owner’s express permission must be available for the lifespan of the messaging list.

We prohibit the use of email lists, telephone number lists or databases purchased from third parties intended for spam or unconfirmed messaging list purposes on our Products. This spam and unauthorized message activity policy applies to messages sent using our Products, or to messages sent from any network by the customer or any person on the customer’s behalf, that directly or indirectly refer the recipient to a site hosted via our Products.

Unethical, Exploitative, and Malicious Activity

Our Products must not be used for the purpose of advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available any software, program, product, or service designed to violate this acceptable use policy, or the acceptable use policy of other service providers. This includes but isn’t limited to facilitating the means to send spam and the initiation of network sniffing, pinging, packet spoofing, flooding, mail-bombing, and denial-of-service attacks.

Our Products must not be used to access any account or electronic resource where the group or individual attempting to gain access does not own or is not authorized to access the resource (e.g. “hacking”, “cracking”, “phreaking”, etc.).

Our Products must not be used for the purpose of intentionally or recklessly introducing viruses or malicious code into our Products and systems.

Our Products must not be used for purposely engaging in activities designed to harass another group or individual. Our definition of harassment includes but is not limited to denial-of-service attacks, hate-speech, advocacy of racial or ethnic intolerance, and any activity intended to threaten, abuse, infringe upon the rights of, or discriminate against any group or individual.

Other activities considered unethical, exploitative, and malicious include:

  • Obtaining (or attempting to obtain) services from us with the intent to avoid payment;
  • Using our facilities to obtain (or attempt to obtain) services from another provider with the intent to avoid payment;
  • The unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction (or any attempt thereof) of any information about our customers or end-users, by any means or device;
  • Using our facilities to interfere with the use of our facilities and network by other customers or authorized individuals;
  • Publishing or transmitting any content of links that incite violence, depict a violent act, depict child pornography, or threaten anyone’s health and safety;
  • Any act or omission in violation of consumer protection laws and regulations;
  • Any violation of a person’s privacy.
  • Our Products may not be used by any person or entity, which is involved with or suspected of involvement in activities or causes relating to illegal gambling; terrorism; narcotics trafficking; arms trafficking or the proliferation, development, design, manufacture, production, stockpiling, or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or missiles; in each case including any affiliation with others whatsoever who support the above such activities or causes.

We prohibit the impersonation of Happy Head, Inc., the representation of a significant business relationship with Happy Head, Inc., or ownership of any Happy Head, Inc. property (including our Products and brand) for the purpose of fraudulently gaining service, custom, patronage, or user trust.

Disclaimer of Warranties