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Marie Mannino

Articles by

Marie Mannino

Success Stories

An Honest Review of Happy Head’s Thickening Shampoo & Conditioner

Hair Health

Your Comprehensive Guide to Oral Dutasteride

Hair Health

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Beard Hair Loss


7 Modern Hairstyles for Men With Thinning Hair

Hair Health

Topical Spironolactone for Women: 2023 Insights & Benefits

Hair Health

Normal vs. Excessive Hair Loss: Here’s How to Tell the Difference

Hair Health

Debunking the Myths About Hair Loss

The Experts

What the Experts Know About Alopecia

Hair Health

Your Comprehensive Guide to Oral Minoxidil

Hair Health

Tips for Battling Female Pattern Hair Loss

Hair Health

Is it Too Late to Treat Your Hair Loss?


How to Talk to Your Partner About Hair Loss

Hair Health

What Every Man Should Know About Male Pattern Baldness

Hair Health

Dealing with Hair Loss? Get These Hormones Under Control.

Hair Health

Are You Losing Your Hair? What You Should Do.

Hair Health

Is Your Medication Causing Your Hair Loss?

Hair Health

Can You Block DHT Naturally Without Medication?


Are These Ordinary Things Damaging Your Hair?


What are the Best Nutrients for Hair Growth?

Hair Health

Is Minoxidil (Rogaine) Safe for Women?

Hair Health

Your Guide to the Top Hair Loss Treatments for 2023 (Yes, They Really Work!)


Your Holiday Hair Loss Guide

Hair Health

7 Reasons Why Your Hair Is Falling Out (And How to Stop It)

Hair Health

Thickening Shampoos: Ingredients That Work

Hair Health

Dutasteride or Finasteride for Hair Loss: Which Should You Use?


The Best Superfoods for Healthy Hair

Hair Health

Worried About Going Bald? Why Men Are More At Risk Than Women.

Hair Health

Is Caffeine the Next Hair Loss Solution?

Hair Health

Men’s Hair Can Be Damaged and Dry Too. Here’s What You Can Do.

Hair Health

Alopecia Areata: Is it Hereditary?